Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Leadership and People - 9624 Words

Promoting Servant Leadership in the Youth Defining Leading and Leadership Leading is defined as: 1. Influencing others to take action toward specific goal. 2. Guiding and directing on a course, and as serving as a channel. A leader is someone who has commanding influence. Leadership is defined as: 1. It is the process of influencing and directing activities of members toward goal accomplishment. 2. It is about ordinary people who care. People who care enough to get extra ordinary things done. 3. It is the capacity and will to rally men and women to a common purpose and the character which inspire confidence. 4. It is simply not an art (emotional/instinctual) or a science (rational/acquired). It is a blend of the†¦show more content†¦And he is generous with his praise of my work – I guess, because this reflects well on his leadership in the eyes of outsiders. But at the same time and probably for the same reason, he comes down hard when we make mistakes or he feels that we have let him down. I sometimes resent being so uninvolved and feeling so unimportant. I would like to speak out and even disagree with the leader – for he is not right all the time, but I’m not sure how this would go over with the others in the group. While we spend a lot of time talking about the boss and his ways outside meetings, we tend to turn into lambs when he is around. I guess it is because we would not like to hurt and upset him. So things keep going on in the usual way. 2. Democratic or Participative Style Characteristics of democratic leaders can be summed up in the following: †¢ They are generally as concerned with maintaining group effectiveness as with completing the task to be done. †¢ They encourage members in their groups to express their ideas and feelings, because they believe that such a climate leads to greater creativity and commitment. †¢ If they encounter resistance or conflicts, they allow them to surface and they seek the help of their groups in removing the resistance or resolving the conflicts. †¢ They encourage joint decision-making as well as shared goal-setting. †¢ They rarely set policies without explaining the reasons and proposing them toShow MoreRelatedLeadership and People3116 Words   |  13 Pagesa Leader By: John Maxwell Leadership Outline 1. Character 2. Charisma 3. Commitment 4. Communication 5. Competence 6. Courage 7. Discernment 8. Focus 9. Generosity 10. Initiative 11. Listening 12. Passion 13. Positive Attitude 14. 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What is means to be an effectiveRead MoreLeadership Is A Process Of Interaction Between People1433 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction Over time, theories of leadership have been a long time evolved, so far there are varies of definition of leadership. The most adequate definition that was agreed by this paper is â€Å"leadership is a process of interaction between people; is a behaviour that can influence a man or a group of people† (Xu, 2003, p. 46). In conclusion, leadership is a power that can influence, guide people to achieve the target that they all have. Management style means the leadership practices, Zagorsek, Jaklic Read MoreCan Leadership Be Learned Or Are Some People?1492 Words   |  6 PagesThere is the famous question: can leadership be learned or are some people simply born to be leaders? The answer to this question has been debated over and over. The preliminary question that must be considered however is what qualities make a good leader. Certain skills and behaviors are logical must haves, still there are many that are not as obvious; even as intellect is a definite requisite, for exampl e, being trained and well educated are just some ways intelligence and know-how can be acquiredRead MoreChurch Leadership : The Key Community Of People1593 Words   |  7 Pageskeys to success Church leadership, along with teams that are sent to the mission field should work together in identifying what needs to be done for the particular community of people. A relevant example of critical caring was in a local church body. 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